Official Server Rules

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General Rules

1) Be respectful to everyone outside of roleplay interaction.
2) Any attempt at avoiding punishment will not be tolerated.
3) Spamming chat or voice chat will result in being immediately muted or gagged.
4) Staff members have the final say on all rule interpretations.
5) Use common sense. If it doesn't seem like a good idea, it's probably not.
6) You do not have to advert raid, however you do have to advert mug.

Roleplay Rules

Building Rules

1) While building, you may place a visible text sign that displays "Building" to let other players know you are building. With a building sign up, you should not be doing anything other than building. You should not have entities in your base.
2) A player must be able to enter and exit your building using a keyboard cracker or a lockpick, or a combination of both.
3) You may have up to 3 fading doors per base.
4) Keypads must have a minimum hold length of 5 seconds.
5) All keypads must be clearly visible next to the door they open and shouldn't require any jumping or crouching to use.
6) Bases cannot force players to do any sort of jumping, crouching, or other tricks to enter. Players should be able to walk freely without obstructions.
7) Base layouts should be clear and concise.
8) Bases should be realistic. Any abnormally large bases or bases that restrict access to public parts of the map will be removed without warning.
9) No use of the World Glow effect to gain a one-sided prop vision advantage.
10) Foot shot bases and Headshot bases are not allowed. Raiders need to be able to shoot back at you if you are able to shoot at them.
11) Hobo's/DJ's/Night Club owner/Pianist are the only jobs permitted to build in public, all other bases/props must be inside a owned door. These public buildings must also not block anything or be on the street.
12) No KOS signs.

Props & Entities
1) Prop or entity spamming, climbing, surfing, killing, blocking, bridging, pushing, or trapping is not allowed. Don't minge.
2) Do not spawn props or entities in bases that you do not have permission to do so.

Raiding Classes
1) Raiding classes include the Bloods, Bloods Leader, Crips, Crips Leader, Gangster, Locksmith & the Thief jobs.
2) Hitman and Veteran Hitman may raid if their target is in a base.
3) Hobo Leader may raid if they are raiding with other Hobos.
4) Hobos may only raid if accompanied by the Hobo Leader.

Raiding Rules
1) You must wait 10 minutes in between raiding or mugging the same person.
2) Once you've completed your raid, you must leave. You cannot occupy a base/store after a raid.
3) You may not raid an open base. An open base is a base consisting of props and no entities. Entities you may raid an open base for include beer barrels, drug labs, printers, or anything that you are able to steal or destroy for profit.

Mugging Rules
1) You cannot exceed $1000 in a mug.
2) You must grant victims 10 seconds to oblige unless they attempt to escape.
3) You may kill the victim once they clearly show they are attempting to escape.
4) Mugs must be adverted so the victim is well aware of being mugged.
5) You must be a raiding class in order to mug or steal from other players.

Random Death Match (RDM)
1) Players harming your life or property may be killed without warning.
2) You may always defend yourself if you are being attacked.
3) Raids and hits can be completed by killing without warning.
4) Any other cases of killing require a written 10-second warning with clear instructions given to the victim through chat.
5) You must advert any weapon (such as C4) that has the ability to cause mass crossfire casualties. (crossfire RDM)

You can not use information beyond your RP characters knowledge to act on.

New Life Rule
You must wait 5 minutes to return to an area you died in. You are a new person and forget everything from your previous life.

Government jobs (Police, SWAT) must not return to the police department upon death. The New Life Rule still applies even to Government Classes.

RP Job Rules

Government Classes
1) Government jobs are not allowed to own their own separate base. Their home is the Police Department.
2) Government jobs must follow the guidelines and rules set by the Mayor.
3) Government jobs can be corrupt but can be demoted for being corrupt.
4) Government jobs may not return to the PD if killed during a raid.
5) Any action that involves not following rules set by the Mayor is considered corruption.
6) Government jobs are only allowed to weapon check in the Police Department or on the front steps.
7) Do not randomly arrest someone without reason.
You must always have a valid roleplay reason to search, warrant or want a player.
8) After a valid warning, government jobs may legally eliminate lawbreakers who resist arrest or flee.
9) If you are shot at, you must shoot back. Do not attempt to arrest someone who is shooting at you. (Baton Rush)
10) Melee weapons do not apply to Baton Rush.
11) Don't metagame. You cannot warrant based on information you read in OOC or noises you heard through a wall.
12) During a lockdown, government jobs may arrest any non-government officials that aren't hobos.
13) Other jobs are not able to assist Government jobs and vice versa.

1) You may be demoted for being corrupt.
2) The Mayor may set his own bail price or disallow bail altogether.
3) If there is no Mayor, The Police Chief may set the bail rules instead.
4) You may change laws to be active or inactive based on the list at the bottom of the rules.
5) You may create a lockdown at any time you feel threatened.
6) The mayor may only build cosmetic props in the PD that do not interfere with movement (such as pictures or small objects on the walls). Upon death, demotion, or switching jobs, the mayor must remove any text screens or props he has placed within the PD.

1) Do not join a job with the sole purpose of self-supplying.
2) Do not scam players.

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